Mainframe Applications

File Compress/Decompress

A complete utility that examines data to optimize compression. Maximum compression provides for maximum DASD savings. Performance is optimized to ensure no negative impact on overall system performance.

Generic File Caching

A utility used to hold data near to an application. Caching of frequently used data can greatly reduce CPU usage in data intensive applications. This can be run in either a CICS or a batch mode.


A Backup/Restore utility for VSAM and QSAM files. The utility can process up to 50 files at one time and uses asynchronous processing to provide lighting fast results. Exit points within the utility make it ideal for all of your file conversion needs.

Source Code Remediation

Born during the Y2K era, this utility can be used to remediate virtually any source code. The utility allows the user to specify the items to be found in a source code library. Next the utility identifies potential remediation targets and presents them in an interactive edit session that allows the user to make the necessary corrections. All identified code is flagged to ensure the remediation is complete.

PC Applications

Complex Order Estimating Tool

A Microsoft EXCEL driven ordering system that allows the ability to preload, and complete, an order form based on a customer's prior 12-month ordering patterns. This product can also account for increases or decreases in supply demands due to changes in pre-defined criteria (i.e. upcoming Holidays). The end result is a generated invoice that can be saved as a file, or printed upon request.

School Health Office Reporting System

A Microsoft EXCEL driven reporting system for school health offices. Excel spreadsheets are used to record information regarding health offices visits. This information is input to the reporting process that produces reports such as number of visits per day, visits by a student, and types of injuries. These are just a few of the many statistics that can be generated. Reports can be generated for a single school in a district or for the entire district. Reports can also be generated monthly, yearly or for a user defined time period. Report generation is controlled by the user with an easy to use set of point and click graphic controls.

Housing Market Analysis Tool

A Microsoft EXCEL driven system for producing Housing Market Analysis Data. The input is an EXCEL spreadsheet with data downloaded from an MLS service. A click of a button gets the process going. Reports and charts are generated automatically. FORM 1004MC and other use appraisal data are created at the touch of a button. All information is ready to be cut a pasted into any appraisal software you choose.

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